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Episode 10: What is Revenue Enablement?

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Hey there, RevOps enthusiasts! We're chatting with Melanie Fellay, CEO and co-founder of Spekit, an AI-driven enablement platform that's shaking up how teams learn and perform. Melanie's journey is nothing short of inspiring—from starting in finance and accounting to diving headfirst into BizOps and eventually co-founding Spekit. Frustrated by the chaos of inconsistent processes and the lack of effective tools, she took matters into her own hands. Now, she's on a mission to redefine enablement in the RevOps world.

In this episode, Melanie teams up with our co-host Matt Volm to unpack the ins and outs of revenue enablement. They dive deep into how to empower reps right when they need it, the evolution from traditional sales enablement to a holistic revenue enablement approach, and the common mistakes companies make that you definitely want to avoid. If you've ever scratched your head over how to measure the ROI of your enablement efforts or wondered how to get your entire revenue team on the same page, this conversation is for you.

Addressing Process Inconsistencies Across Teams

Melanie kicks things off by sharing a pivotal experience from her BizOps days. Imagine being in a critical board meeting only to realize that each sales leader is using different definitions and metrics. Total nightmare, right? This lack of alignment doesn't just create confusion—it can tank your revenue targets and derail strategic decisions. Alignment is non-negotiable. For RevOps professionals, ensuring standardized processes and clear communication across teams is crucial. It's all about getting everyone rowing in the same direction.

“The CEO started questioning some of the data and, pretty quickly, it was clear that the three different sales leaders we had in the room were operating off of completely different definitions.” - Melanie Fellay

Jump to the clip for the full story about Melanie’s infamous board meeting.

Enabling Reps in Their Moment of Need

Forget overwhelming your reps with information overload. Melanie emphasizes the power of enabling reps in their exact moment of need. Whether they're prepping for a meeting or following up with a client, providing timely, relevant information can make all the difference. Just-in-time learning is a game-changer. Equip your team with the right knowledge at the right moment to boost productivity and confidence.

Jump to the clip for Spekit’s definition of true enablement.

Expansion of Enablement to Revenue Enablement

The sales landscape is evolving, and so should your enablement strategies. Melanie discusses the shift from focusing solely on sales enablement to embracing revenue enablement, which includes customer success, account managers, and more. Think holistically. A unified enablement approach ensures a consistent customer experience and maximizes efficiency across the entire revenue engine.

“This idea that we're going to enable our sales team differently than our CS team, when a lot of the fundamental content around your products and services is the same, is unrealistic.” - Melanie Fellay

Jump to the clip to hear how learning and development fit into the enablement process.

Common Mistakes in Enablement Implementation & the Importance of Change Management

Melanie doesn't shy away from highlighting where companies often stumble. A biggie? Investing in technology without the proper people and processes in place. No tool will magically solve your problems if the groundwork isn't laid correctly. Remember to put people and process before tech. Have dedicated ownership and clear processes before bringing new tools into the mix.

Jump to the clip to learn about what the companies that churned from Spekit had in common.

Metrics and Accountability in Enablement - the Path to ROI

When it comes to demonstrating the value of enablement, many teams are flying blind. Melanie points out that without clear metrics and accountability, it's tough to measure success or identify areas for improvement. Define your KPIs upfront. Whether it's ramp time, sales productivity, or time saved, knowing what you're aiming for allows you to track progress and prove ROI.

“If you don't know what you're trying to solve for and you don't know how to measure it, you’re going to have a hard time determining the ROI of Spekit.” - Melanie Fellay

Jump to the clip to hear about the importance of time studies when measuring sales productivity.

The Importance of Change Management in Enablement

Another common mistake is underestimating the importance of change management. Without a consistent approach to communicating and implementing changes, teams can become disoriented and disengaged. Consistency is key. Develop a clear change management strategy to keep everyone aligned and informed.

Jump to the clip to find out more about why it’s important to enable your people to respond to change.

Leadership Buy-In and Culture

Melanie emphasizes that successful enablement isn't just about tools and processes—it's also about culture. Companies where leadership is actively involved and managers are reinforcing enablement practices tend to see the best results. Leadership sets the tone. Executive alignment and active participation can significantly impact the effectiveness of your enablement efforts.

“When the role of enablement within the organization isn't clear, there's a lack of accountability between the role of a manager versus the role of enablement versus the role of sales leadership.”  - Melanie Fellay

Jump to the clip to hear why it’s so important to give your managers the resources they need to coach successfully.  

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