The 2024 Incentive Compensation Management Report

CaptivateIQ surveyed over 200 professionals to answer the questions what does incentive compensation management look like today and how can those who manage it overcome their biggest challenges to improve outcomes?

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How forward-thinking compensation teams can move from cost center to strategic lever

These are the questions we set out to answer with our inaugural State of Incentive Compensation Management Report, which saw our team surveying 200 professionals directly involved in managing incentive compensation to learn more about what they’re focused on, what’s blocking them, and where there are opportunities to make ICM a more strategic function.

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Managing compensation complexities at scale

Despite the economic uncertainties and market fluctuations faced by many over the past few years, compensation professionals report the organizations they work for are growing – and their programs need to scale and evolve in parallel with growth and expansion to ensure continuous alignment with business priorities.

Finding opportunities
to become more strategic

Despite comp admins reporting they’re satisfied with many aspects of their incentive comp program, there’s still a lot of manual work being done and a desire to move towards more strategic work. Essentially, there’s plenty of room for optimization and improvement.

Stay in the know

For an even deeper dive into our survey results including our top insights, takeaways, and recommendations and learn more about what they mean for ICM’s impact on your own organization.

Get the full report 📖

Includes a detailed summary of the survey questions and responses, as well as the analysis.

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