ICP Evaluation Trauma? Get the Data Management Checklist

Did you know that Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) should be re-evaluated every 6-12 months? If that gives you waking nightmares, it's time to update your process! Check out Openprise's checklist and eliminate the trauma.

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Improve the customer experience with better data

If the thought of re-assessing how you define and analyze your customer profile makes you cringe, you may have a data problem! By doing prep-work up front and ensuring the data is in stable state, you can shave hours off an ICP evaluation.

This download contains a list of questions to figure out where to focus first, a workflow to help you determine where there are data gaps, a fool-proof order of operations to avoid blowouts, and templated checklist.

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How to decide what happens first and where

It’s important to understand where your teams are struggling to get the information they need to do their jobs seamlessly. It's hard to know where to look and what to ask unless you've already been there and done that. That's why we've provided you with a list of priorities as a starting point.

Order of operations

No one likes the feeling of discovering that one little configuration update cascaded into several breakages. We'll give you a list of dependencies downstream to prevent those inadvertent-sabotage heartaches.

Example field update checklist

You've probably heard (over and over) what makes a prospect a great fit. In-house knowledge is great, but is your data? 

We'll give you a list of common fields and what to watch for before relying on them to create an account score.

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Includes a detailed summary of the survey questions and responses, as well as the analysis.

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