Definitive Guide to Win-Loss Analysis For RevOps

Your buyers know exactly why you’re winning and losing—why aren’t you asking them?

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85% of your CRM’s closed-lost data is completely wrong

We’ve found that your CRM data rarely matches the (far more accurate) data captured from direct buyer feedback. This guide teaches you how to create a win-loss analysis program that will uncover the real reasons you win and lose—so you can win more deals and drive more revenue.

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If you’re not getting feedback directly from your buyers, you’re just guessing

Guessing if your sales pitch hits the spot. Guessing if your messaging resonates. Guessing if your product solves a pain point (or if it even works at all). Guessing why you win and lose revenue—the lifeblood of your business.

Do you feel comfortable staking your own success—or the success of your company—on anecdotes? Or consistently unreliable CRM data? Or on your sales team’s (useful but often biased) feedback?

On a guess?

We don’t think that’s good enough—which is why we created this Definitive Guide to Win-Loss Analysis.

Capturing feedback directly from your buyers is the ONLY way to understand

Most B2B purchase decisions are complex, with a variety of factors playing a role in the eventual outcome. Some of these factors (like product gaps and pricing concerns) may be readily apparent, while others (like internal politics and risk mitigation) are more obscure.

Capturing feedback directly from your buyers is the only way to develop a holistic understanding of these factors. There are three primary ways to capture feedback from your buyer: live interviews, asynchronous interviews, and surveys, each with pros and cons.

Interviews vs. Surveys: Consider your pipeline

As you evaluate the pros and cons of buyer interviews and surveys to determine the right mix for your win-loss analysis program, make sure you consider the makeup of your sales pipeline (e.g., deal size, volume, and complexity) and the cost of the different feedback channels. The goal is to create a program that delivers powerful insights across your entire pipeline—as well as a strong return on your investment in win-loss analysis.

Some organizations build their win-loss programs based entirely on win-loss interviews. Depending on your deal volume, however, it may be cost-prohibitive to interview every closed opportunity. This is why we recommend utilizing different feedback channels and conducting interviews on a targeted basis to better understand key opportunities and key segments of your pipeline.

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Includes a detailed summary of the survey questions and responses, as well as the analysis.

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