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Master the Quote-to-Cash Process End-to-End with Cacheflow

When it comes down to it, the contract the customer signs is the same thing that you’ll ultimately use to bill the customer. So why do we set up systems that intentionally keep the proposal and contracting process separate from the billing process? Join Adam Wainwright, Head of Revenue at Cacheflow, to learn how Cacheflow takes care of the entire quote-to-cash process, from CRM to ERP, so your sales, ops, and finance teams can focus on revenue, not admin work.

What is Cacheflow?

“Tracking, measuring, and managing revenue is the lifeblood of the business.” - Adam Wainwright

Revenue operations teams are constantly struggling to manage the full revenue cycle because of fragmented, disparate systems and data sets. There are a lot of CPQ solutions that claim to resolve these issues, but they just don’t take the process far enough. 

Cacheflow has built a seamless system that goes beyond connecting signed quotes to cash recognition. It also extends the conversation to your finance team, allowing them to execute subscription management – including billing, scheduling, and invoicing – without leaving Cacheflow.

When data cleanly flows from the moment of booking all the way through to your backend subscription management system, you free up revenue operations resources so they can focus on scaling your business. 

Jump to clip to hear about the challenges RevOps pros face today.

Cacheflow features

“These little details used to require Excel, telling Deal Desk to do something, and waiting 24 hours. Now it's all happening in a seamless experience.” - Adam Wainwright

  • Automatically generate templates so sellers don’t have to cold start the proposal process for every deal. Cacheflow will soon have AI-assisted template creation that uses customer call transcripts to identify specific proposal template components for each customer. Your account executives can simply fire up the right template immediately after a customer call ends. 
  • Approval workflows are based on any number of triggers happening in the Cacheflow proposal engine. If you need to negotiate contract and payment terms with the customer, you can bake those components into their digital proposal experience so you can expedite signatures. 
  • Connect your consumption data via API to Cacheflow’s billing system. As more and more companies move toward a hybrid billing model, they need flexibility. No matter what type of billing you have – including one-time fees, recurring fees, volume-based fees, and more – Cacheflow can support your unique requirements. 
  • Generate proposals faster. Legacy systems can take 30 minutes (or more) to generate a proposal. Then you have to bring in Deal Desk to fix everything that breaks. Your needs are simple. You just want to close deals faster! With Cacheflow, you don’t have to spend more than 3 to 4 minutes in the proposal generator. 

Jump to clip to see a play-by-play demo of Cacheflow.

Is Cacheflow right for your business?

“The customer is going to get something that’s living and breathing so that when they execute it, the data will continue to move downstream.” - Adam Wainwright

Cacheflow integrates with Salesforce and Hubspot. If you’re a DocuSign user, you’ll find e-signature functionality embedded directly into the tool. Serving North America, APAC, and EMEA, notable customers include Popmenu, JobAdder, and Patchworks. 

While Cacheflow works best for commercial or mid-market companies, it can deliver value to any sales team that moves fast and has lots of conversations with lots of customers. If your mission is to try and find ways to shorten sales cycles, Cacheflow can help.

The tool uses a traditional SaaS subscription model that includes user licenses and a platform fee. The platform fee has 2 components: 

  1. Sales flow: Proposal building and a bidirectional sync with your CRM
  2. Finance flow: Billing events, subscription data, usage billing, and more

Implementation requires an evaluation process and a technical fit assessment. Tell the Cacheflow team about your sales process and your ecosystem and they’ll help you understand what implementation will look like for your company. If you need to migrate existing data, they’ll scope out the work and give you a price based on the number of customers. 

About 90% of Cacheflow customers qualify for “green fit” status, which means you’ll be up and running in 3 to 6 weeks. Implementation includes setting up your product book and training your team on how to use Cacheflow. 

If your proposal creation includes roadblock after roadblock, you’re probably stressed about missing your number at end-of-quarter. With Cacheflow, you can give time back to sellers, Deal Desk, and finance so everyone can close, recognize, and collect revenue faster. 

Interested in learning more? Visit and click on “book a demo.” You can also contact Adam directly at 

Jump to clip to learn what differentiates Cacheflow from other CPQ solutions.

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