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Revenue Operations

How Leading Teams Get to 90% Forecasting Accuracy by Week 6

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On average, sales forecasts are less than 61% accurate by week 8 in the quarter. Join Chad Cameron, Solutions Consulting Leader at BoostUp, Jason Bieber, Principal at Kumonami, and Camela Thompson, RevOps Co-op's Head of Marketing, to learn more about forecast cadence schedules, increasing accountability and performance, and applying multiple vectors to your forecast process

You’re not the only one struggling to improve forecasting accuracy. That’s why BoostUp created the Forecast Maturity Framework which relies on 5 principles to achieve 90% forecasting accuracy by week 6 in the quarter.

Principle 1: Visibility

“Define what a good analysis looks like and have an opinion on how salespeople should come up with their number.” - Chad Cameron 

Step 1 is to determine where your sellers are at today and start moving them forward. You can improve visibility by: 

  • Losing the spreadsheets

Forecasting tools help you follow best practices, standardize inputs, and streamline your forecasting processes. 

  • Getting beyond opportunities 

Bring in activities, KPIs, historical trends, account data, and product data.

  • Building a process 

Choose one methodology to increase your ability to understand how and why people are calling their numbers.

Principle 2: Cadence for alignment and accountability

“An escalating cascade in a fixed time is the only way to forecast at scale effectively.” - Jason Bieber

Tiered cadences give you time to inspect your data for accuracy. Successful cadences focus on the following:

  • Rep and manager 1:1s and deal inspections early in the week

At mid-week, focus on forecast alignment across your sales management layer. The end of the week should be a CRO-led forecast call.

  • Accountability 

Set clear accountability guidelines by role, including what needs to be done and by whom based on sales stage, deal behavior, and category definition.

  • Alignment

Align your sales and forecast disciplines which provide the basic record-keeping framework for pipeline management forecast assembly.

Principle 3: Best-in-class deal reviews and deal inspection

Deal reviews are about what it will take to get a prospect into the customer column. Always ask these key questions: 

  • What 

What must the seller and buyer do to execute the deal? Find your blind spots and get consensus on key outcomes.  

  • Who 

Find out who’s involved, who should be involved, how they’re aligned, and their roles in influencing decisions 

  • When 

Use an objective lens to view your close dates to decide what to forecast and what to push


Principle 4: Applying multiple vectors for triangulation

“AI forecasting isn’t a crystal ball, just an input to help you call your number.” - Chad Cameron

Combine your human judgment with AI forecasting to help you call a number. Historical performance data can help you identify rep behavior so you can coach them to improve. 

  • Human judgment 

Review from bottom-up and top-down then add insight from the extended sales team

  • Historical performance

Utilize a weighted pipeline and review funnel conversion

  • Machine forecasting

AI can help you with historical forecast projections and deal risk analysis 

Principle 5: 6 KPIs to measure, benchmark, and improve

These KPIs help you measure and benchmark to determine what “good” looks like: 

  • Current quarter pacing against weighted targets 
  • Historical accuracy on committed pipeline and forecasts
  • Funnel stage conversion and progression
  • Pipeline coverage gap for the current and next quarter 
  • Pipeline creation pace and contribution from in-quarter pipeline
  • Deal by deal risk assessment and risk weighted pipeline

How mature is your forecasting?

“Allow a lane for exploration, trying different things, and evolution.” - Jason Bieber

Want to understand how your forecast is performing from a maturity perspective and increase your accuracy earlier in the quarter? Reach out to the BoostUp team for a custom forecast maturity score and heat map. 

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