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Revenue Operations

How to Build the Ideal Go-To-Market Tech Stack, and Improve the One You Have

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The tech world is known for collecting too many tools and getting overly excited about new software releases. Whether you're in the SaaS industry or not, chances are you have a tech stack to manage. We chatted with top RevOps experts: Jen Igartua (CEO at Go Nimbly); Eric Portugal Welsh (Director of RevOps at DemoStack); Jeff Ignacio (Head of Sales Operations at Forethought) and Sarah Monette (Partner Manager at Vertice) to learn about best practices and tips and tricks for building and optimizing your GTM tech stack.

RevOps and MarketingOps pros, are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your tech stack? Don't let too many tools slow you down. Technology is critical for gathering data and scaling and improving the customer experience. Imagine saving 20 minutes per rep every month - it can add up quickly. But, the impact may vary drastically based on the size of your team.

“You need to know what gaps you are filling. Some of the best revenue operators are able to look at the whole customer journey, finding out gaps in the customer experience or opportunities to scale a process. The idea that you need tools because everyone has them is a misconception, you need to be aware of what problem you are solving.” - Jen Iguarta.

Maximizing Efficiency through Customer-Centered Tech Evaluation

Technology exists to solve problems and boost efficiency. When evaluating tools, consider your customers’ needs and examine the customer journey through technology. Identify areas for improvement, create a data-driven culture, and prioritize initiatives that will have the biggest impact on your team's daily operations and productivity.

“Data makes better business decisions and Revops people are uniquely positioned to have data in the entire GTM stream to drive revenue growth.” - Jen Iguarta

Common Pitfalls

As you can imagine, our panelists have seen it all when it comes to a GTM tech stack, and they shared some common mistakes to avoid during the process:

  • Implementation: You are not utilizing the technology to its full capabilities. Get fully educated on the solution you’re considering, so you can make the most out of that investment
  • Maintenance costs: one more tool in the tech stack means one more tool to manage. Understand what resources it will take to use and
    maintain the tool appropriately.
  • Don’t slow down the process: Implementation and training may slow things down, so be sure to identify potential issues early on!
  • You don’t have to follow the herd: We all love tech, and FOMO sometimes gets the best of us, but stay focused on your own priorities and don’t buy a tool simply because other companies use it!
  • Invest in your people: You may have someone with 10 years of experience in Marketo, and even though this person can get around a similar tool easily, it takes time and training to get up to speed. Make sure team members have adequate training for the tools they manage, and allow them to grow.

Resources shared during the event: 

Technology Role Spend Matrix (

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