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Revenue Operations

The Big “CRM” Problem

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It’s time to talk about the elephant in the room…you have a big CRM problem. Join Anne Pao, Founder and CEO of Ignite Consulting, and Pouyan Salehi, CEO and Co-founder of Scratchpad, for a discussion that unravels the complexities of CRM hygiene, the challenges of over-automation, and the critical role of RevOps in bridging the gap between sales and customer success.

CRM as a Database and Its Challenges

It’s an all-too-common scenario for most sales organizations. Their CRM dissolves into a mere database. Sales teams quickly become frustrated working with a tool that’s simply a repository for outdated or inaccurate information, rather than a tool that actually supports their day-to-day operations. A CRM filled with stale data not only hampers decision-making, it erodes trust within the team.

“The CEO is literally saying, 'I use this dashboard every single week in my executive meeting to make decisions about the company.' If the data is off, your entire strategy is compromised." - Anne Pao

Jump to clip to hear how CRMs frequently end up as just databases

Importance of CRM Hygiene Beyond Technology

CRM problems are not just technological, they’re deeply rooted in process issues. RevOps must take a holistic approach that includes both the technological aspects and the human processes that support CRM use. A successful CRM implementation requires a comprehensive strategy that aligns with organizational goals.

Jump to clip to learn more about the real root of CRM problems

Challenges with Over-Automation in CRM Systems

What are the dangers of over-automation? Anne Pao shares a cautionary tale about a client who insisted on automating their entire post-sale customer lifecycle. The result? A flood of support tickets and a team paralyzed by overly complex systems.

Automation should enhance, not complicate, the work process. Make sure that the basics are understood before layering on automation. Otherwise, over-automation can lead to a disconnect between the systems and the users, making it harder for teams to accomplish their tasks effectively.

"One of the biggest challenges we see is that companies think they can solve CRM hygiene with just more tools or automation. But the reality is, if you don’t address the underlying process and how people actually work, you’re just adding more layers to the problem." - Pouyan Salehi

Jump to clip to learn about the pitfalls of leaning too heavily on automation

Impact of Good CRM Hygiene on Sales Meetings

When CRM hygiene is managed well, the impact on sales meetings is profound. Clean, accurate data transforms these meetings from mundane administrative check-ins to strategic discussions that drive business forward.

Sales meetings shift from being a chore to being a powerful forum for deal strategy and learning. An emphasis on good hygiene enables reps to focus on selling, rather than navigating cumbersome systems.

"Pipeline reviews are not for me; they’re for the reps. If we’re not holding reps accountable to this, we’re setting ourselves up for a CFO-led forecast, and nobody wants that." - Anne Pao

Jump to clip to hear about how good CRM hygiene can boost sales morale

Limitations of Simply Investing More in CRM Tools

Investing more money into CRM tools isn’t always the solution. Without addressing the underlying process issues, throwing money at the problem often leads to more complexity and frustration. Instead, try to understand the root causes and address them holistically. In RevOps, the focus should be on optimizing existing resources rather than continually investing in new tools.

Jump to clip to find out why too much process scares away sales reps

Five Tips for Top-Tier CRM Hygiene

Improving your sales organization’s CRM hygiene is daunting. Here are 5 tips designed to help RevOps professionals elevate their CRM systems from static databases to dynamic tools that drive business growth:

  1. Define Great Hygiene: Set expectations for the fields in your CRM that actually matter. Help your reps understand how great hygiene helps them and the business. Keep it simple.
  2. Study How Reps Work: Study your sales teams’ workflows. Count how many clicks it takes them to make updates, observe their context switching, and look for areas to streamline. 
  3. Design Supportive Systems: Reps don’t always have to work in the CRM so be open-minded. Focus on reducing manual work, including AI for CRM updates, and using tools with naturally high adoption across the sales team. 
  4. Encourage Proactivity: Give sales reps a daily “zero board” so they know what to update each day. Bring the CRM to where they work like Slack, Chrome, Calendar, and web apps. Set up reminders in Slack or Teams.
  5. Drive Accountability: Implement regular reviews and feedback loops to ensure that CRM hygiene is maintained and that the system continues to serve the needs of the business.

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